Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Can I dote for a minute?

I know I'm running really behind on updating the journal (and I'm sorry about that!!), but I just need to take a minute and brag on Tyler.  Let me preface by saying that the only phone calls that I receive from the school are complaints regarding Ty. So, today when my phone rang and identified CMS as the caller, naturally, I cringed.  To my surprise, it was his math teacher calling to report that Ty made a 93 on his math test today.  Although, that is a wonderful grade and we are proud of him for that, I couldn't understand why it warranted a phone call home. He has made higher grades before and I didn't receive a call. Apparently, this test was extremely hard and very few people passed the test at all.  Tyler had the second highest grade in the class. I took the opportunity to ask how Tyler was doing overall and Mr. Young had many good things to say about him, praising him greatly. To some, this might be a normal way of life, but not so much for us.  This was excellent news from the school today!  That is one phone call I didn't mind taking!  Way to go Tyler!