Friday, January 13, 2012

Meet Gracie!

On New Year's Day, this sweet baby was heard whining in the creek that runs along side the nature trail in our subdivision. Our neighbor rescued her and we have spent nearly two weeks seeking her owner. Can you believe no one has called to claim her??

During her stay with us, we have all fallen in love with her, so we have given her a forever home! After much deliberation, we have decided to call her Gracie Lou! The veterinarian says that she is a full blooded Miniature Pinscher, but I believe that she is mixed with a chihuahua. She is only 8 inches tall and weighs four pounds!! She is said to be one to two years old. She's the perfect purse dog...and yes, we have already introduced her to the purse and she doesn't mind it at all...hee hee!

We are working on leash training, house training, and crate training. She is very slow at understanding house training, but progress is being made. The first time she wore a leash, she bounced around like a fish out of water. Within a day, she was completely trained on the leash. She never pulls and I lead!! She's a smart cookie!

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