Friday, November 2, 2012


Upon looking through all of our pictures from this summer, it occurred to me that I never introduced Baylee. 

Let me back up a little....remember tiny, Gracie?  Well, with all the running and jumping that goes on in our house, she was stepped on and injured many times.  Poor baby had her tail broken at some point and we can't even figure out how it happened!  It seemed best for Gracie to live with a calmer family, so she took her wardrobe and moved in with Bo's parents.  She fits in perfectly over there and runs the roost!  We love that we still get to see her often!

Before Gracie moved, the kids were talking of wanting a bigger dog that they could throw the ball with and not injure.  I vaguely entertained the idea, but decided to act when I learned of a brindle 7 week old pit bull/lab mix puppy that needed a home.  A young man gifted the puppy to his girlfriend and, of course, her mother would have no part of it (what was he thinking?!?!).  They planned on taking her to the pound, so I took her.  It happened to be Father's Day, so guess what we got Bo??  A sweet little puppy!

It has been a challenge raising a puppy, but we have loved it.  She is just the sweetest little thing and doesn't meet a stranger.  Looking back over the pictures it is amazing how fast she has grown.  She is already 6 months old!  The funny part is that I have never been much of a dog person, but she has stolen my heart and she is treated like my fourth child.  She even goes to doggie daycare on the days that I work so that she isn't cooped up in the house all day long.....think she is spoiled??

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