Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The grades are in ...

Ty-Guy struggled a little (well ok, a lot!) last semester with turning his work in. The work would usually be completed, but somehow it never made it to the teacher's desk; and ultimately to the grade book. This resulted in many failing grades. He worked hard the last few weeks before Christmas break and was able to get all of the work turned in. His report card came home today with all A's!  What a turn around! 

Being in 3rd grade, Connor's academic grades come in the form of 1's, 2's, & 3's. A 3 is excellent, with a 1 being needs improvement. There were NO 1's and he received a few 2's, but got several 3's as well. His conduct was excellent this go around. Although, he has never been "bad", he typically doesn't stay on task, which results in a lower behavior grade most of the time. 

Sarah completed her first college semester at UNG with 2 A's, 2 B's, and 1 C. This kept her at a B average, so she was able to keep the HOPE Scholarship for spring semester.  She only made one C her entire high school career, so she was bummed about receiving a C in Art Appreciation her first semester in college.  I, on the other hand, am very proud of her considering how hard I know college can be.  

This spring she is taking English, World Geography, Psychology, Philosophy, and First Year Seminar. Currently, she is planning on enrolling in classes at the University of West Georgia this summer. 

Bo and I are so proud of all 3 of them!  They have done so well in school!   

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