Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mission Accomplished!

At the end of Tyler's seventh grade year, he decided that he wanted to switch instruments in the band from the tuba to the trombone. His band instructor didn't want to lose a great tuba player, but for Tyler's happiness, he was on board as long as he could get to the skill level that he was on the tuba. He was second chair out of 10. Tyler was gung-ho and accepted the challenge. We purchased a used trombone for him. He couldn't play the first note when he brought it home. It sounded like sick baby elephants rather than scales and arpeggios in our living room for a while. 
A flyer came home for the "Sounds of Summer Band Camp" and he asked to participate. The director went above and beyond to help him during his week long participation. Ty had to work with younger participatants (to match the skill level he was now at with the trombone) and only be with his friends during lunch, but it was worth it. He made great strides in that one week. 

He took private lessons from the assistant band director once weekly during the summer months as well. 
Two weeks before school started, he got braces on his top teeth. This was a huge setback for him and cost him a few weeks of practice. The director said this was normal due to muscle memory and pain from the brackets pushing against his lips and sore teeth. 
He's been practicing strong for four months now. At the start of 8th grade, Ty brought his trombone to school and sat in that section as if that was where he belonged. The director was aware of all the efforts Ty made over the summer and never told him otherwise.  So, I took that as a good sign.

The Trojan Band (consists of 7th and 8th graders), plays for all the home 8th grade football games and he has really been enjoying participating in that this year as well.

Last week, was 8th grade recognition night at the high school football game.  The 8th graders had the opportunity to march with the high school marching band for the opening of the football game.  He said it was REALLY hard, but he had a lot of fun and wants to march next year in high school.  (Yep, he'll be in high school next year!)

The ever stressful chair tests were this week. There is a total of 12 trombone chairs. Knowing that all the other students had been playing their instruments for 2 years plus and not knowing their skill level, I didn't expect he would rank super high. We got the results of his chair test and could not be more proud of his hard work!  
He is 4TH CHAIR!!  Woot!! Woot!!

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